What is Gala Games (GALA)?
GALA is the native currency used within the Gala Games ecosystem. Players can use GALA to buy in-game assets & pay for the transaction fees. Gala Node operators will be rewarded with GALA.
GALA is the native currency used within the Gala Games ecosystem. Players can use GALA to buy in-game assets & pay for the transaction fees. Gala Node operators will be rewarded with GALA.
In the cryptocurrency space, Watch-to-Earn (W2E) is another x-to-earn model whereby users are able to earn cryptocurrencies simply by watching marketing materials or content.
In technical analysis, trend lines are among the most common and primary chart patterns, along with channels and wedges. Throughout this article, you will learn about trend lines, their types, etc
An Initial Exchange Offering is an ICO held by a cryptocurrency exchange. Partnering with cryptocurrency exchanges can help projects gain exposure to a large, verified audience.
Blockchain nodes are individual computers or devices that connect to a blockchain network. We’ll discuss blockchain nodes and their types and functionality here.
Crypto trading is similar to conventional trading in many ways. However, the crypto markets are open 24 hours a day. Check out the basic types of crypto trading here.
The concepts of support and resistance are among the most commonly used and fundamental concepts in technical analysis. It is easy to grasp the concept of support and resistance